## ISSH in a Glance
>[!info] ISSH, also known as Iran Academia, stands as the world's premier educational institution to offer a completely tuition-free experience. Unique in its commitment to accessibility, it levies no administrative, registration, or tuition fees, extending this benefit to students globally, irrespective of their legal status (refugees, asylum seekers, and undocumented people).
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>**Everyone has the right to education**
> — Article 26 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights
>**History has proven that violations of academic freedom and university autonomy have always resulted in intellectual relapse, and consequently in social and economic stagnation.**
>— Council of Europe, Report on Academic freedom and university autonomy, June 2006
## Stay Updated
<iframe src="https://news.issh.info/embed" width="480" height="320" style="border:1px solid #EEE; background:white;" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe>
#### Awards and Recognition
ISSH has been honored with multiple accolades, such as:
>The EU’s Active Citizens of Europe Award [[History#2015|(2015)]], for contributions to sustainable development and global justice.
>Selected to present at the UNHCR and UNESCO Mobile Learning Week [[History#2017|(2017)]],
>Nominated by Scholars at Risk for the 2018 and 2021 UNESCO ICT in Education Prize [[History#2018|(2018,]] & [[History#2021|2021)]].
>ISSH (Iran Academia) as “**A Free Educational Alternative: Online University for the Deprived**” was shortlisted for the Access, Diversity & Inclusion Award by [QS Reimagine Education 2024](https://www.credential.net/e3c7105b-0962-434c-97a1-f681aedb416c#gs.gjgxtk).
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#### Recognized As
>![[ANBI STATUS.png|100]]
>`ISSH is recognized as a public benefit organization (ANBI) by The Netherlands Tax authorities`
> ![[501Status.png|100]]
> `ISSH is approved as a nonprofit tax-deductable 501(c)(3), regulated by the US Department of Treasury through the IRS`